PMS Made Peaceful | Emotional Regulation, Monthly Cycle Hormones, Pre-Period Mood Swings, Cycle Tracking

--- TOP 3% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST --- Do you wish you could better manage the spiraling emotions that make you feel out of control every month? Are you looking for ways to keep tabs on your cycle so you’re not caught off guard by negative, intrusive thoughts every single premenstrual phase? Do you need a wellness strategy you can actually stick to that isn’t overwhelming? If this sounds familiar, I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome to PMS Made Peaceful, the podcast for Christian women wanting more emotional regulation during their premenstrual phase. This podcast will teach you how to better manage the emotional rollercoaster each month through holistic wellness strategies, building habits that work for you and keeping you rooted in who God says you are (aka Beloved Daughter of the King!) Hey, I’m Lauren! I’m a registered nurse, wellness coach, mama and Christ-follower. For over a decade I struggled to manage the spiraling anxiety and debilitating lies that would pile on me in the week before my period. I felt lost and crazy, like I was failing my family, friends and God, with no ability to just “pull myself together”. I finally realized that if I didn’t want to be emotionally tossed around each cycle, I would need to partner with my body and the natural rhythms God had created me with. Through following simple habits I actually enjoyed doing, learning holistic wellness strategies that matched where I was in my cycle and knowing who I needed to spend time with every day (you guessed it.. the Lord!), my premenstrual phases began to feel more manageable and less out of control. And I want the same for you. If you’re ready to feel more emotionally regulated throughout your whole cycle, to work with the rhythms God has created you with, and to stick to healthy habits that will keep you grounded, present and feeling good, then this podcast is for you! So, if you’re ready to get started, take a deep breath, grab your coffee, and let’s jump in!

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Monday Apr 22, 2024

Are you looking for natural and holistic ways to manage the premenstrual rollercoaster? Do you wish you could just "grab" a quick solution when you're in the heat of premenstrual anxiety or overthinking that you know will actually help you?
In this episode, I'm sharing just that! 3 natural and holistic habits you can be implementing TODAY that will be an asset for your coping toolkit when you're in the heat of PMS. These are habits perfect for utilizing all cycle long, so that when the premenstrual phase slides in, you're prepared and ready and don't have to think too hard about what to do that will help you feel better.
I hope these help! 
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast. 

Monday Apr 15, 2024

Maybe you're just joining in, or maybe you're an OG to this podcast (original gansta! ;) Either way, this podcast has had some changes made to it! Okay, a lot! New photo, new title, new tagline.. lots of change!
I wanted to share a bit about why I changed the name of this podcast from Premenstrual Anxiety Solutions to PMS Peaceful, as well as why I changed the tagline, etc etc! 
So, have a listen! And thank you so much for being here with me and coming along for the ride! I'm excited for where things are going and I'm excited you're here with me!
Much love, Lauren!
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Thursday Apr 11, 2024

Is worry, fear and anxiety creeping in, and you're feeling untethered, thrown around by the wind and the waves of your thoughts?
If this feels like today, have a listen to today's episode. These verses were so grounding for me when I was in the middle of postpartum anxiety and feeling consumed by dread, anxiety and the "what if's", and I hope they help you feel more grounded too in who you can trust.
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Monday Apr 08, 2024

Does it feel like your relationship with God takes a beating every premenstrual phase, where you're doubting his love for you or if you're loveable? Does it feel really hard to decipher between truth and lies? Is guilt, shame and condemnation speaking too loudly in your mind, telling you you're not worthy, that God doesn't love you?
Friend, I've been there, and it can be so hard to press into God when your thoughts are telling you the opposite. 
In this episode, I'm sharing a framework that God shared with me regarding the different phases of the menstrual cycle, and how each phase can be a tool for growing closer to God and trusting his truth.
I pray this information blesses you so much! Have a listen!
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Monday Apr 01, 2024

Are you struggling with anxiety and overwhelm, but you're not quite sure if it's related to where you are in your cycle? Are there times when the anxiety gets worse and you're trying to figure out if it is tied to your premenstrual phase?
In this episode, I'm sharing 3 ways to help you figure out when and how your anxiety symptoms are showing up, and how you can start tracking where you are in your cycle.
Have a listen!
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Thursday Mar 28, 2024

Are you coming to another Easter feeling discouraged, like you're "failing" as a Christian because of the anxiety that you struggle with? Does peace and calm just feel so out of reach for you while you're battling the overwhelm, mental tornado and overthinking?
If this is where you are at this Easter, please have a listen to this episode and know that Christ offers a hand to you in the midst of the anxiety. You don't have to have it together to appreciate this Easter. In fact, the less you have it together the more you're pointed to Jesus. So come as you are! 
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Monday Mar 25, 2024

Does this sound familiar: You're feeling the love with your spouse, things are going well, your communication is good and on point.
Then you hit your premenstrual phase and everything goes downhill from there. 
You doubt your decision, your relationship, why you're together. You just want to get out and leave. You're frustrated, angry and the last thing you want to do is talk about it.
If this is something that keeps coming up for you, I'd encourage you to have a listen to this episode and try this tip. It'll really help ground you back in reality when the doubts and questions start and give you confidence for why you're with the guy you chose!
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Monday Mar 18, 2024

In this episode, I'm sharing my own story with premenstrual anxiety, overthinking, paranoia, depression, and eventually receiving a diagnosis of PMDD. 
It's been on my heart for a while now to share this episode with you, and there has been so much fear, resistance, second guessing, imposter syndrome- the whole shabang. But I believe there is power in our stories and owning them and knowing that God will use them for his glory. 
I hope this episode blesses you, where you know & feel you're not alone in your struggle & that there is hope wherever you are at in your journey with premenstrual mental health issues, premenstrual anxiety, severe PMS or PMDD.
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Thursday Mar 14, 2024

Are you in survival mode right now, right in the middle of your PMDD or hell week? Are you feeling like you're drowning, and it feels so difficult to lift your hand up out of the water for some help?
If this is where you are right now, take heart, friend. Know that it will pass.
Have a listen to this prayer if it feels like the chaos and confusion are speaking louder than the peace and clarity.
May God meet you right where you are and bring his peace and calm to your heart, body and mind.

Monday Mar 11, 2024

Does staying on track with your wellness goals feel difficult and overwhelming? Does it feel like a lot of work to be consistent with the habits you know are helping you feel better but feel so out of reach, especially during your premenstrual phase?
If this sounds familiar, I know you'll get so much out of this episode. I'm sharing 3 super simple, super practical, super tactile tips for doing those things that will help you feel your best and show up well for your family, your friends and for yourself!
Have a listen!
Grow Wild by Katy Bowman
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