PMS Made Peaceful | Emotional Regulation, Monthly Cycle Hormones, Pre-Period Mood Swings, Cycle Tracking

--- TOP 3% GLOBALLY RANKED PODCAST --- Do you wish you could better manage the spiraling emotions that make you feel out of control every month? Are you looking for ways to keep tabs on your cycle so you’re not caught off guard by negative, intrusive thoughts every single premenstrual phase? Do you need a wellness strategy you can actually stick to that isn’t overwhelming? If this sounds familiar, I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome to PMS Made Peaceful, the podcast for Christian women wanting more emotional regulation during their premenstrual phase. This podcast will teach you how to better manage the emotional rollercoaster each month through holistic wellness strategies, building habits that work for you and keeping you rooted in who God says you are (aka Beloved Daughter of the King!) Hey, I’m Lauren! I’m a registered nurse, wellness coach, mama and Christ-follower. For over a decade I struggled to manage the spiraling anxiety and debilitating lies that would pile on me in the week before my period. I felt lost and crazy, like I was failing my family, friends and God, with no ability to just “pull myself together”. I finally realized that if I didn’t want to be emotionally tossed around each cycle, I would need to partner with my body and the natural rhythms God had created me with. Through following simple habits I actually enjoyed doing, learning holistic wellness strategies that matched where I was in my cycle and knowing who I needed to spend time with every day (you guessed it.. the Lord!), my premenstrual phases began to feel more manageable and less out of control. And I want the same for you. If you’re ready to feel more emotionally regulated throughout your whole cycle, to work with the rhythms God has created you with, and to stick to healthy habits that will keep you grounded, present and feeling good, then this podcast is for you! So, if you’re ready to get started, take a deep breath, grab your coffee, and let’s jump in!

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2 days ago

Tell me if you can relate. Your fingers suddenly look like sausages. The pants that fit perfect last week are feeling real tight. You wonder why you look 5 months pregnant.
Friend, I've been there! And truth be told, it's not always comfortable or pleasant.
This week on PMS Made Peaceful, we're chatting about water retention, weight gain, swelling & bloating.
This is the fourth episode and symptom in the PMS Symptom Series! 
The first week we talked about anxiety, irritability, mood swings & nervous tension.
The second was cravings, increased appetite, headaches & fatigue.
The third was depression, feelings of hopelessness, decreased interest and low energy.
I dig into what is causing these symptoms during your premenstrual phase. I think you might just be a bit surprised at what the reasons are! Who knows?! Maybe it'll be the little tidbit of information you need to start making some changes in your life and cycle to start ditching these symptoms!
Grab a notebook, a pen and let's jump into this last symptom in the PMS Symptom Series!
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday Jun 10, 2024

Feeling hopeless. Asking what's the point of me even being here? Feeling alone & wondering if anyone loves you. No energy or desire to do anything.
Can you relate to any of these premenstrual symptoms? They all fall under the category of depression. This week on PMS Made Peaceful, we're talking about what is going on in our bodies biologically and on a hormonal level when it comes to symptoms of depression. 
But just like anxiety and cravings, the biological often leads to psychological symptoms. Listen in this week and get some insights of where and how to start when it comes to working through these specific symptoms. It's truly not just a physical battle, but also a spiritual one! So, this episode is coming from a very holistic perspective! 
Have a listen & I really pray it blesses you!
Episode #31- Try These 3 Natural Solutions TODAY To Help Reduce Premenstrual Symptoms
Episode #32- Find Your Anchor In This Verse When The Intrusive Thoughts Start Pouring In
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday Jun 03, 2024

We're moving right along with our PMS Symptom Series, and this week on the show we're talking cravings! 
It's a big one that a lot of women struggle with when it comes to their premenstrual phase & during menstruation.
There's tons of biology behind it, but also a lot of PSYCHOLOGY, especially from a women's health & wellness perspective. I'm sharing the causes, but also what we can do about it. Also getting raaaaw about where I'm at with the good ol' cravings! :D 
Grab a notebook, pen & have a listen!
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday May 27, 2024

The specific PMS symptoms you are experiencing each month are telling you a story about what is going on in your body! 
Join me for the next 5 weeks as we do a deep dive into FOUR different PMS symptoms you might be struggling with each month. We'll talk about possible causes & what we can be doing about it.
Today's episode is all about ANXIETY (aka... irritability, rage, overwhelm, nervous tension, mood swings... sound familiar??!)
Grab a notebook, a pen, your fave drink & learn all the things from today's episode!
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday May 20, 2024

You're at that point of feeling so overwhelmed, so caught up in your head, and it feels like you have no idea how you’re going to make it through the next hour, let alone the next week or two. It feels like nothing is certain in this moment; you forget what supports you have in your life, what you’re good at, who loves you. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions feel out of control, like someone has just hijacked your body, your brain. You’re in survival mode.
After struggling for years with anxiety and intrusive thoughts during my premenstrual phase, these grounding techniques were some of the initial tools I used to get out of the mental tornado. 
What I really want for you is to feel more grounded and centered, and not be rocked around by the wind and waves of premenstrual anxiety. These 5 practices will help ground you to the present moment, and help move you past the internal chaos and confusion.
I hope they bless you!
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday May 13, 2024

Hey friend! I have another guest interview this week, and it's with Shan Wright: Daughter of the King, mom to 4, wife of 13 years, RN and wellness coach! 
She's digging deep into her story of when she first started struggling with her premenstrual phase and how the struggle bus continued when she got married, had kids... all those things that stretch us even more! 
She also shares what helped her with the irritability, mood swings and like her skin was CRAWLING! 
If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you're going to want to have a listen to today's show! Shan's story is empowering and full of faith-filled wisdom. I know it will really bless you!
Learn More About Shan:
Wellness Accountability Coaching:
Instagram: @theshanshow
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday May 06, 2024

You know that getting your hormones balanced will help with the premenstrual symptoms, but does it feel really intimidating and illusive, and you're asking where do I even start?
I hear ya! There have been moments when I have asked the same question! Where do I even start?! What should I eat, what shouldn't I eat, do I need to take something for it? Even with being a nurse and knowing biology and loving to geek over it all, sometimes it still feels daunting. In this episode, I break down the concept of hormones and where we need to begin if we're wanting to get them hormones more balanced! This is really just step 1 in laying a foundation for the concept of hormones that will help bridge into the nitty gritty later!
Has this process felt intimidating and daunting to you?! Have a listen & let me know your thoughts! 
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

Monday Apr 29, 2024

Should I be taking supplements? What should I be taking? Will they help me feel more regulated?
Are you asking these questions when it comes to finding solutions that will help you feel more emotionally regulated during your premenstrual phase? You're not alone! Lots of women are wanting to start their wellness journeys towards more emotional stability with natural, holistic strategies, and supplements, vitamins and minerals are a great place to start!
In this episode, I share the 5 supplements/ vitamins/ minerals that I started with when I first found out I had premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD). 
Have a listen! 
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Listen To Episode 24
Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast. 

Thursday Apr 25, 2024

Have you ever felt similar to a kite that is being smacked around by the wind? Do your thoughts just seem so volatile, so erratic, where they feel almost impossible not to believe?
I get it! I've been there, and it can just feel so so hard to know how to get anchored in those moments and not get sucked into the chaos and lies. In this episode, I'm sharing a verse (actually, it's just the first several words of the verse!) that will help you know where and how to start when your thoughts and feelings feel so out of control. This will be your safe haven, your go-to solution for when you're trying to remember your worth and value and who you belong to.
I hope it blesses you!
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast. 

Monday Apr 22, 2024

Are you looking for natural and holistic ways to manage the premenstrual rollercoaster? Do you wish you could just "grab" a quick solution when you're in the heat of premenstrual anxiety or overthinking that you know will actually help you?
In this episode, I'm sharing just that! 3 natural and holistic habits you can be implementing TODAY that will be an asset for your coping toolkit when you're in the heat of PMS. These are habits perfect for utilizing all cycle long, so that when the premenstrual phase slides in, you're prepared and ready and don't have to think too hard about what to do that will help you feel better.
I hope these help! 
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Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast. 


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